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For readability of test outputs, testing only one thing per call to testthat::expect_true() is preferable, i.e., expect_true(A); expect_true(B) is better than expect_true(A && B), and expect_false(A); expect_false(B) is better than expect_false(A || B).


  allow_named_stopifnot = TRUE,
  allow_filter = c("never", "not_dplyr", "always")



Logical, TRUE by default. If FALSE, "named" calls to stopifnot(), available since R 4.0.0 to provide helpful messages for test failures, are also linted.


Character naming the method for linting calls to filter(). The default, "never", means filter() and dplyr::filter() calls are linted; "not_dplyr" means only dplyr::filter() calls are linted; and "always" means no calls to filter() are linted. Calls like stats::filter() are never linted.


Similar reasoning applies to && usage inside stopifnot() and assertthat::assert_that() calls.

Relatedly, dplyr::filter(DF, A & B) is the same as dplyr::filter(DF, A, B), but the latter will be more readable / easier to format for long conditions. Note that this linter assumes usages of filter() are dplyr::filter(); if you're using another function named filter(), e.g. stats::filter(), please namespace-qualify it to avoid false positives. You can omit linting filter() expressions altogether via allow_filter = TRUE.

See also

linters for a complete list of linters available in lintr.


# will produce lints
  text = "expect_true(x && y)",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=1::file=<text>,line=1,col=1,[conjunct_test_linter] Write multiple expectations like expect_true(A) and expect_true(B) instead of expect_true(A && B). The latter will produce better error messages in the case of failure.

  text = "expect_false(x || (y && z))",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=1::file=<text>,line=1,col=1,[conjunct_test_linter] Write multiple expectations like expect_false(A) and expect_false(B) instead of expect_false(A || B). The latter will produce better error messages in the case of failure.

  text = "stopifnot('x must be a logical scalar' = length(x) == 1 && is.logical(x) && !",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter(allow_named_stopifnot = FALSE)
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=1::file=<text>,line=1,col=1,[conjunct_test_linter] Write multiple conditions like stopifnot(A, B) instead of stopifnot(A && B). The latter will produce better error messages in the case of failure.

  text = "dplyr::filter(mtcars, mpg > 20 & vs == 0)",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=23::file=<text>,line=1,col=23,[conjunct_test_linter] Use dplyr::filter(DF, A, B) instead of dplyr::filter(DF, A & B).

  text = "filter(mtcars, mpg > 20 & vs == 0)",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=16::file=<text>,line=1,col=16,[conjunct_test_linter] Use dplyr::filter(DF, A, B) instead of dplyr::filter(DF, A & B).

# okay
  text = "expect_true(x || (y && z))",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter()

  text = 'stopifnot("x must be a logical scalar" = length(x) == 1 && is.logical(x) && !',
  linters = conjunct_test_linter(allow_named_stopifnot = TRUE)

  text = "dplyr::filter(mtcars, mpg > 20 & vs == 0)",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter(allow_filter = "always")

  text = "filter(mtcars, mpg > 20 & vs == 0)",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter(allow_filter = "not_dplyr")

  text = "stats::filter(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$mpg > 20 & mtcars$vs == 0)",
  linters = conjunct_test_linter()