lintr lints are automatically displayed in the RStudio Markers pane (RStudio versions > v0.99.206).

In order to show the “Markers” pane in RStudio: Menu “Tools” -> “Global Options…”, a window with title “Options” will pop up. In that window: click “Code” on the left; click “Diagnostics” tab; check “Show diagnostics for R”.
To lint a source file test.R
type in the Console
and look at the result in the
“Markers” pane.
This package also includes two addins for linting the current source and package. To bind the addin to a keyboard shortcut navigate to Tools > addins > Browse Addins > Keyboard Shortcuts. It’s recommended to use Alt+Shift+L for linting the current source lint and Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L to code the package. These are easy to remember as you are Alt+Shift+L(int) ;)
lintr has built-in
integration with flycheck versions
greater than 0.23
lintr is fully integrated into flycheck when using ESS. See the installation documentation for those packages for more information.
Vim - syntastic
lintr can be integrated with syntastic for on-the-fly linting.

Put the file syntastic/lintr.vim
in syntastic/syntax_checkers/r
. If you are using pathogen this directory
is ~/.vim/bundles/syntastic/syntax_checkers/r
You will also need to add the following lines to your
let g:syntastic_enable_r_lintr_checker = 1
let g:syntastic_r_checkers = ['lintr']
Vim - ALE
lintr can be integrated with ALE for on the fly linting.
You can configure what linters are used, e.g. using a different line length cutoff.
let g:ale_r_lintr_options = "linters_with_defaults(line_length_linter(120))"
You can also configure whether lint
is used. Set to 1 for
and 0 (default) for lint
let g:ale_r_lintr_lint_package = 1
See :h ale_r_lintr
for more information.
Note that configuration through .lintr
files are not
There is a work around that can be used to read the contents of a
file in the root of the working directory. This
would allow the use of configuration through .lintr
if filereadable(".lintr")
let g:ale_r_lintr_options = join(readfile('.lintr'))
Sublime Text 3
lintr can be integrated with Sublime Linter for on-the-fly linting.

Simply install sublimeLinter-contrib-lintr
using Package Control.
For more information see Sublime Linter Docs
lintr can be integrated with Linter for on the fly linting.

Simply install linter-lintr
from within Atom or on the
command line with:
For more information and bug reports see Atom linter-lintr.
Visual Studio Code
In Visual Studio Code, vscode-R presents the lintr diagnostics from languageserver.