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Perform various style checks related to placement and spacing of curly braces:


brace_linter(allow_single_line = FALSE)



if TRUE, allow an open and closed curly pair on the same line.


  • Opening curly braces are never on their own line and are always followed by a newline.

  • Opening curly braces have a space before them.

  • Closing curly braces are on their own line unless they are followed by an else.

  • Closing curly braces in if conditions are on the same line as the corresponding else.

  • Either both or neither branch in if/else use curly braces, i.e., either both branches use {...} or neither does.

  • Functions spanning multiple lines use curly braces.


# will produce lints
  text = "f <- function() { 1 }",
  linters = brace_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=17::file=<text>,line=1,col=17,[brace_linter] Opening curly braces should never go on their own line and should always be followed by a new line.
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=21::file=<text>,line=1,col=21,[brace_linter] Closing curly-braces should always be on their own line, unless they are followed by an else.

writeLines("if (TRUE) {\n return(1) }")
#> if (TRUE) {
#>  return(1) }
  text = "if (TRUE) {\n return(1) }",
  linters = brace_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=2,col=12::file=<text>,line=2,col=12,[brace_linter] Closing curly-braces should always be on their own line, unless they are followed by an else.

# okay
writeLines("f <- function() {\n  1\n}")
#> f <- function() {
#>   1
#> }
  text = "f <- function() {\n  1\n}",
  linters = brace_linter()

writeLines("if (TRUE) { \n return(1) \n}")
#> if (TRUE) { 
#>  return(1) 
#> }
  text = "if (TRUE) { \n return(1) \n}",
  linters = brace_linter()

# customizing using arguments
writeLines("if (TRUE) { return(1) }")
#> if (TRUE) { return(1) }
  text = "if (TRUE) { return(1) }",
  linters = brace_linter(allow_single_line = TRUE)