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Gets the source IDs (row indices) corresponding to given token.


ids_with_token(source_expression, value, fun = `==`, source_file = NULL)

with_id(source_expression, id, source_file)



A list of source expressions, the result of a call to get_source_expressions(), for the desired filename.


Character. String corresponding to the token to search for. For example:

  • "SYMBOL"



  • "$"

  • "("


For additional flexibility, a function to search for in the token column of parsed_content. Typically == or %in%.


(DEPRECATED) Same as source_expression. Will be removed.


Integer. The index corresponding to the desired row of parsed_content.


ids_with_token: The indices of the parsed_content data frame entry of the list of source expressions. Indices correspond to the rows where fun evaluates to TRUE for the value in the token column.

with_id: A data frame corresponding to the row(s) specified in id.


  • with_id(): Return the row of the parsed_content entry of the [get_source_expressions]() object. Typically used in conjunction with ids_with_token to iterate over rows containing desired tokens.


tmp <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = c("x <- 1", "y <- x + 1"))
source_exprs <- get_source_expressions(tmp)
#> Warning: cannot open file '/tmp/RtmpAx0Ma8/file181350bffbbb': No such file or directory
#> Error in file(con, "r"): cannot open the connection
ids_with_token(source_exprs$expressions[[1L]], value = "SYMBOL")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'source_exprs' not found
with_id(source_exprs$expressions[[1L]], 2L)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'source_exprs' not found