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Testing x == TRUE is redundant if x is a logical vector. Wherever this is used to improve readability, the solution should instead be to improve the naming of the object to better indicate that its contents are logical. This can be done using prefixes (is, has, can, etc.). For example, is_child, has_parent_supervision, can_watch_horror_movie clarify their logical nature, while child, parent_supervision, watch_horror_movie don't.



See also


# will produce lints
  text = "if (any(x == TRUE)) 1",
  linters = redundant_equals_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=9::file=<text>,line=1,col=9,[redundant_equals_linter] Using == on a logical vector is redundant. Well-named logical vectors can be used directly in filtering. For data.table's `i` argument, wrap the column name in (), like `DT[(is_treatment)]`.

  text = "if (any(x != FALSE)) 0",
  linters = redundant_equals_linter()
#> ::warning file=<text>,line=1,col=9::file=<text>,line=1,col=9,[redundant_equals_linter] Using != on a logical vector is redundant. Well-named logical vectors can be used directly in filtering. For data.table's `i` argument, wrap the column name in (), like `DT[(is_treatment)]`.

# okay
  text = "if (any(x)) 1",
  linters = redundant_equals_linter()

  text = "if (!all(x)) 0",
  linters = redundant_equals_linter()